iSIM and Ti-E 3 Camera
December 2020
Nature Communications
Title: Aberrant interaction of FUS with the U1 snRNA provides a molecular mechanism of FUS induced amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Authors: Daniel Jutzi, Sébastien Campagne, Ralf Schmidt, Stefan Reber, Jonas Mechtersheimer, Foivos Gypas, Christoph Schweingruber, Martino Colombo, Christine von Schroetter, Fionna E. Loughlin, Anny Devoy, Eva Hedlund, Mihaela Zavolan, Frédéric H.-T. Allain & Marc-David Ruepp
Aurora 2P SPIM
June 2020
Biomedical Optics Express
DOI: 10.1364/BOE.395547
Title: A planar Airy beam light-sheet for two-photon microscopy
Authors: Chennell George; Hosny Neveen; Mitchell Scott; Mitchell Tom; Seyforth James; Srivastava Deepak; Vernon Anthony
Spinning Disk Confocal
January 2020
Nat Commun
PUBMED: 31937764
Title: Synaptic density marker SV2A is reduced in schizophrenia patients and unaffected by antipsychotics in rats
Authors: Cotel Marie-Caroline; Creeney Hannah; Halff Els; Vernon Anthony
Nikon A1RHD1 Inverted
January 2020
Developmental biology
PUBMED: 31978396
Title: The mTOR pathway component Unkempt regulates neural stem cell and neural progenitor cell cycle in the Drosophila central nervous system.
Authors: Bateman Joseph
Spinning Disk, Ti-E 3Cam
December 2019
PUBMED: 31806024
Title: Kinesin light chain-1 serine-460 phosphorylation is altered in Alzheimer's disease and regulates axonal transport and processing of the amyloid precursor protein.
Authors: Glennon Lizzie; Greig Jenny; Lau Dawn; Mattedi Francesca; Noble Wendy; Vagnoni Alessio
Nikon A1RHD1
October 2019
PUBMED: 31661035
Title:Sarm1 deletion suppresses TDP-43-linked motor neuron degeneration and cortical spine loss
Authors: Hunt Camille; Lin Ziqiang; Pena Altamira Luis Emiliano; Simmons Camilla; Sreedharan Jemeen; White Matthew
Leica SP5, Nikon A1RHD1 Inverted
July 2019
Biological psychiatry
PUBMED: 31097295
Title: The Psychiatric Risk Gene NT5C2 Regulates Adenosine Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling and Protein Translation in Human Neural Progenitor Cells.
Authors: Cotel Marie-Caroline; Duarte Rodrigo; Srivastava Deepak; Vernon Anthony; Watson Iain
Ti-E3Cam, Opera Phenix
May 2019
Title:LMTK2 binds to kinesin light chains to mediate anterograde axonal transport of cdk5/p35 and LMTK2 levels are reduced in Alzheimer's disease brains.
Authors: Glennon Lizzie; Gomez-Suaga Patricia; Lau Dawn; Morotz Gabor; Noble Wendy; Vagnoni Alessio
LeicaSP5, iSIM, Ti-E3Cam
March 2019
Title:The VAPB-PTPIP51 endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria tethering proteins are present in neuronal synapses and regulate synaptic activity
Authors: Glennon Lizzie; Gomez Perez-Nievas Beatriz; Gomez-Suaga Patricia; Lau Dawn; Morotz Gabor; Noble Wendy; Paillusson Sebastien
Nikon A1RHD1 Inverted
February 2019
Current Biology
PUBMED: 30713106
Title:Inverse Control of Turning Behavior by Dopamine D1 Receptor Signaling in Columnar and Ring Neurons of the Central Complex in Drosophila
Authors: Bridi Jessika; Kottler Benjamin
Spinning Disk Confocal
November 2018
JCI Insight
PUBMED: 30385722
Title: Inhibition of profibrotic microRNA-21 affects platelets and their releasate.
Authors: Lu Ruifang; Mayr Manuel
Leica SP5/A1R Confocal
November 2018
DOI: 10.1101/468546
Title: Psychiatric risk gene NT5C2 regulates protein translation in human neural progenitor cells.
Authors: Cotel Marie-Caroline; Duarte Rodrigo; Srivastava Deepak; Vernon Anthony; Watson Iain
Spinning Disk Confocal
March 2018
Current Biology
PUBMED ID: 29606421
Title: A cAMP/PKA/Kinesin-1 Axis Promotes the Axonal Transport of Mitochondria in Aging Drosophila Neurons
Authors: Vagnoni Alessio
A1R Confocal
January 2018
Frontiers in Neuroscience
PUBMED ID: 29887794
Title: Estradiol and the Development of the Cerebral Cortex: An Unexpected Role?
Authors: Denley Matthew; Gatford Nick; Sellers Katherine; Srivastava Deepak
Opera Phenix
December 2017
Current Biology : CB
PUBMED ID: 29174892
Title: Stall in Canonical Autophagy-Lysosome Pathways Prompts Nucleophagy-Based Nuclear Breakdown in Neurodegeneration.
Authors: Baron Olga; Boudi Adel; Fanto Manolis
Advanced light microscopy
Fluorescence Microscopy
Light Microscopy Facility